Did you know that only 6% of adults with Special Needs are paid for the work they perform. We think that's wrong.
In July 2018, we decided that what we needed was an enterprise that gave us flexibility to offer a range of work opportunities, would be fun and would allow us to pay the young adults for their efforts. To us, the obvious solution was a catering trailer or van; loads of roles, the chance to immerse the young adults in the wider community and a variety of events to maintain interest. Hjälpande Händer was born.
Hjälpande Händer (Helping Hands in Swedish) was setup as a non-profit charity based in Swindon run by volunteers. It gives young adults with special needs the chance to get paid work operating a mobile catering trailer. We involve the young adults in all aspects of the business and at the same time hope they will have fun and enjoy the atmosphere of the various events.
We aim to be environmentally friendly, use local produce wherever possible and anything left will be taken to the Night Shelter or Salvation Army to help the homeless.
We offer speciality coffee, tea, cold drinks, sandwiches, cakes, hot dogs, candy floss and crepes. When required, we can also offer hot chocolate, mulled wine and soup.
In 2023 we were given the opportunity to operate the Snack kiosk at Stanton Country Park. Every Cloud who operate the activities at the Park have asked us to sell drinks and food every weekend from 12 to 4 and also during the school holidays. This gives our young adults a fixed location with regular shifts, to run alongside the events operated from the trailer.
If you would you be interested in having Hjälpande Händer cater at your next outdoor event (fete, festival, sports event, company event, party or wedding), we'd be very interested. We’d like to be flexible so if there is anything particular you need or a theme you’d like, just ask! And if you think you might like to help or get involved, please get in touch. We're always looking for more volunteers.

Whilst we are largely self-sustaining in terms of running costs, we do need to raise funds to purchase larger capital items. We are hugely grateful to the following organisations and individuals who have helped us with funds:
The National Lottery Reaching Communities Fund - £25,906
The National Lottery Community Fund - £19,950
The National Lottery Community Fund - £9,750
UnLtd - £,5,000
James Corden - £4,000
Wiltshire Community Foundation - £2,454
Tesco Bags of Help - £1,000
Wiltshire Community Foundation - £1,000
Robert & Mary Firth - £500
Swindon Lions -£500
Nationwide Building Society Cake Sale and Tombola - £325
Swindon Community Lottery - £400
Daytrippers Foundation - £ 240
Paddy Power Swindon - £200
Shalbourne Car Show - £100
Eldene Winter Market - £100
If you would like to help out financially, we'd love to hear from you. Please use the contact form to get in touch.